Lately the exchange students topic has been very actual. I've been thinking about it and it seems really interesting to live one year abroad and experience other countries culture. in some ways it seems a little bit scary to be away from your family and friends for a year and go to a new place where you don't know anybody, but maybe I'm a bit young right now, but the other way it seems so-so exciting and nice and... I wouldn't want to go to places where the most want to go I'm different in that way, like Germany (I can't speak German too cause my optional subject is Russian) lots of students from Estonia have gone to Germany for their exchange year. I would like to go Italy or somewhere where people speak Italian, because that way I would learn that language, which is really beautiful and I can speak a little but not much.
Viimasel ajal on vahetusõpilase teema väga aktuaalne olnud, igasuguseid asju on sellega seotud olnud, ammu olen mõelnud, et võiks ju minna, aga varem ei olnud ma sellele väga mõelnud. Tegelikult on ysna palju asju, mida tuleb läbi teha ennem kui sind valitakse vahetusõpilaseks, nt Valimispäev, kus varasemad vahetusõpilased ytlevad, kas sa oled valmis või mitte. Nende sihtkohtade peale mõeldes ei tahaks ma minna kuskile, kuhu paljud minna tahavad, nt Saksamaa, tahaks kuskile kus räägitakse itaalia keelt, kuid see vist pole praegu võimalik, sest YFU-l puudub koostöö selliste maadega. Ah jaa vahetusõpilaste värk