Mad Lemon Jewelry

Jewelry blog, where you can see MLJewelry, beading and hammering; DIY projects, useful tips about everything about jewelry and making it.

Soo, eurovision.... Paradise on earth, no relations!

So.. yesterday there was Eurovision song contest in Oslo, Norway. I haven't watched it for 2 years properly, but this year I watched and found that last year's songs were a bit better with some exceptions.

Germany won. Lena.. She had great voice, memorable song too. Our commentator in Estonia (Marko Reikop) couldn't resist to say almost 15 times, that Lena's grandfather was estonian, so. It was pretty funny how everytime he said it we were like duhh, come on we heard you the first time...
I thought that the best song won.. 
The song is here (not live, because she didn't take part of the semifinal's)

The second was Turkey and MaNga - "we could be the same". Quite normal song. The tune haunted me for the rest of the night and today too. It was like a decent rock song. 
It is here (live 2nd semifinal in which they got the most votes) 

Third was Romania what I didn't like so much. Paula Seling and Ovi - Playing with fire. 
There was a news that the male singer's - Ovi's hand was injured at rehersal with fire. Irony huh?
It is here(live 2nd semifinal).

I don't know which place Belgium was, but the man with guitar was pretty good, I really liked it. Tom Dice - Me and my guitar here

There were some good songs more but I'll let them be. (Although denmark was so awful I shouldn't even say.
Greek singer was a little stiff, but that's a song contest not a dancing one.
Jessy Matador.. danced better than the dancers behind him, but I'm not sure he sang very much.

P.S Alexander Rybak is still handsome a sings verrry good ;). Though I still wouldn't be running after him like an usual 15-year-old girl.

Gold wire, glass beads, heavy (jewelry)
"Paradise on earth"
gold, gold, gold
Glass beads, heavy-heavy 

Music taste is no wine, then it's fine

What music are you listening, I'm listening was listening for every kind of crap music 2 months ago, but now, my music taste is a little bit more advanced (though It's what I think of me )
I listen to muse(a lot ), green day, 30 seconds to mars etc.
And I just loved the kesha's "Blah blah blah" video.
ok not that advanced but muse inspires me, I could listen to it all night
silver tone bead balls with wine caps (jewelry)
"Wine makes it look better"


Golden dream, why not?

Do you sometimes wonder whether to do something abnormal or not. I do. I have sometimes have some kinda thoghts like, what the hell why not, but when I do it, it may look like I'm an idiot. Soo ... yes I've done stuff like that and I have no regrets, no examples what I've done, but couple of years ago when I was like 10 or something I wanted to jump off of the cliff (no I'm not suicidal, far from that) to grab the trees tops to hang there (and I trulty believed that I wouldn't crash into the earth), I don't know why I wanted to do that, conclusion - I'm crazy!!
Yesterday I thought that there should be a show where people (like me) can really try out these crazy stuff like jumping off cliffs for adrenaline rush.. 

white pearly seed bead bunches with gold ear hooks (jewelry)
"Golden Dream"
gold hooks, white pearly seed beads

Exams day(conclusion - wear "cherrys' get together")

It's a busy time at school cause, you know, I'm finishing 8th grade and  there is  an exam, first one, only one this year and we were allowed to choose the subject. So every teacher talks about them and reminds the students who has chosen her/his subject. our class was almost half and half to maths and biology, strange, huh? So the exams day is on 28th of may. It's next friday.

coral bead balls with gold  (jewelry)
"Cherrys' get-together"
Cherry balls with gold wire.


10 things to do everyday

I've had this idea for forever to write about 10 things but I thought it sounds silly in some ways.
Read them and laugh, cause I did and I usually do every one of these things on the lists when it's a normal day and not some kind of a boring day, u should try, it comes naturally in the end and it's f-u-n. :D
In the lower list there are things I don't do everyday, for example I can't dance ;).

Normal things. have to to be normal.
  1. Take a shower
  2. Brush your teeth to keep them bright white to smile
  3. Eat a sandwich, Hey! People gotta eat.
  4. Say hello to a friend
  5. Do something physical to keep you fit, like ride a bike (Y)
  6. Watch a good show on TV or computer
  7. Think hard to solve one of your problems (step-by-step to problem free)
  8. Hug someone
  9. Do a good deed so you can feel nice in the evening
  10. Read something intresting (like a good blog or something, u gotta find something intresting though)

Sorry, for kinda off pictures

Funny day's inseperable things
  1. Fail-A-Day (one fail per day. that's something u just have to do everyday to feel free, not something really embarrasing but something to let you know u can be free)
  2. Laugh, laugh, and laugh, try not to and you're dead as a person. Like a quote from James Krüss's book "Timm Thaler": "What separates us from the beast - Laugh it is!" (sry for translation. it sounds different in the book)
  3. Compliment someone. It can be just as: "Nice sweater you're wearing"
  4. Eat a piece of chocolate. No, I don't want to feed anyone fat!
  5. Play poker (at least once a week, if not more often)
  6. Sing out loud, so it just echos from the walls of the room
  7. Dance until your feet can't feel the ground.
  8. Put your lipstick (in case you're a girl) on and look in the mirror and say "Damn I look hot tonight!"
  9. Ride a shop cart (trolley) like a fast-fast racing car, people will think we're crazy but so what!
  10. Jump to the air and scream "Hallelujah!"

Crochet necklace

Crochet necklace  (jewelry)
They are crochet necklaces made of silver or gold wire and random beads or blue seed beads.

Kolmapäeval käisin Tallinnas High School Musicali vaatamas. Ylihea oli. Eriti Ott... ja Getter ka, üldse ei kujutaks ette, kuidas sharpayd keegi teine võiks mängida, ta sobis sellesse ossa lihtsalt nii hästi, nojah blond parukas võibolla mitte nii häasti aga vinge etendus oli. Mulle meeldis soovitan, nii palju kui neid etendusi üldse veel on.

a ja veel, Tallinas on Karnaluksi pood, käsitöö inimestele selline paradiisi moodi pood (mida iganes sa ka ei vajaks, seal on kõike), õmblejatele , kudujatele kõigile leidub seal kõike, see on aga natuke ära peidetud kohas ja kui ei tea, siis ei oska minna ka sinna. 
Selle aadress on A.Hermanni 1 ja nimi Karnaluks, guugeldage see nimi äkki niimoodi leiate.
Mulle näitas seda poodi mu klassiõde, kellele omakorda oli seda soovitanud üks moedisainer.
Iga kord kui Tallinasse juhtun külastan, ilma ei saa. 

I ((heart)) the sky with the moon and stars

Swarovski heart, moon, starfish and star necklace, silver (jewelry)
Swarovski 14mm rose AB heart
Swarovski 20mm AB star 
Swarovski 16mm Golden Shadow starfish
Swarovski 20mm Light Amethyst Moon
Sterling silver bails


High on sky bracelet

It's always nice to blog and yesterday I discovered my old-old diary. It really was intersting to read that. 
I wrote the whole summer down. I think I'm gonna repeat it this year's summer. It felt so good, but in the end I felt like I can't stand the diary no more.
But to read it! U should try writing a diary cuz it makes you feel sooo good.

bracelet, silver heart link chain with swarovski 6mm light amethyst flowers  (jewelry)
Swarovski 6mm flowers, Light Amethyst
Sterling silver Heart link chain
Spring clasp.


Everything new is well forgot old!

So, my old jewelry in a much better coat. I'll be posting them one a day. enjoy!
See for yourself:

Swarvoski bicone made circular earrings to brighten a day
                                        "Green Power",           "Mystery man",       "Colour of the sea"

                                           "Gentle as a wind"  

"Green Power!"

Photography by my DaD
