Mad Lemon Jewelry

Jewelry blog, where you can see MLJewelry, beading and hammering; DIY projects, useful tips about everything about jewelry and making it.

Birthstones attack !

Every person has a birthstone,
It's sometimes different in different places but these should be the most common
These are the real gemstones, not the colours
They all look a little rough, I wanted to show the real stones, unfinished. That's the point

Garnet, January (granaat)

Amethyst, February (ametüst)

Aquamarine, March (akvamariin)

Diamond, April (briljant)

Emerald, May (smaragd)

Moonstone, June (kuukivi)

Ruby, July (rubiin)

Peridot, August (peridoot)

Sapphire, September (Safiir)

Opal, October (opaal)

Topaz, November (topaas)

Turquoise, December (türkiis)


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I don't have a Twitter in English, it is entirely in Estonian...